Monday, April 27, 2015

Pine Siskin Arrives: A new bird in my Regina, SK, backyard

This morning before the sun rose high enough to fully light our backyard, a Pine Siskin arrived at the feeder. Its size first caught my attention. It was feeding beside a female Purple Finch, and by contrast, the Pine Siskin looked very tiny.

First Pine Siskin of 2015 in my Regina, SK, backyard.
aka early morning bird -- just another little brown bird at the feeder...
Until you note the yellow flash along the edge of its wing. ©SB

I'm hoping that the Pine Siskin will be back with the rest of the flock. I even drove up to the store to find fresh oily nyjer seeds to fill the conical feeder. That's what drew them here a few years ago. And oh, so lovely they were! And fierce, in their displays and fights for the seeds!

Pine Siskin in flight - and good light. Oh, so lovely!  ©SB

Nyjer feeder full of Pine Siskins, with yellow feathers
both hidden and visible  ©SB

Close-up of Pine Siskins disputing their territory on my feeder - and displaying their soft yellows.  ©SB
Beautiful wing displays of the Pine Siskin. ©SB

What are these? Pine Siskins, stopping during their migration north.
Location: Backyard, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.   

Photo dates: Dull top photo: April 27, 2015; more vibrant pictures: May 17-24, 2013.   


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